Labor Policies
Party policies are a set of collective thoughts, agreed on
by the people that work for you and others
inside and outside of your electorate.
We’ve come together as a party to look at the situations of ALL Tasmanians and to do what we can to make sure the outcome is as fair as it can be for everyone... not just a selective group.
We’re not for business... or for the workers... we’re for everyone... for balanced outcomes right across the spectrum. This often means that no one gets exactly what they want... but they all get what they need and the distribution of wealth and Government resources is spread across the population. No favourites... but a bias towards those with less power. By default that means that I’m fighting for the workers, welfare recipients, small business without disadvantaging bigger business.
We won’t forget the worker... we won’t crush business... we’re here to strike the balance that benefits ALL Tasmanians.
If you’d like to see the full Labor Policy please click here and read it with the understanding that we’re about better outcomes for all.
The Australian Labor Party Tasmanian Branch State Platform is a constantly evolving statement of principles and policies, underpinned by enduring
Labor values.
Tasmanian Labor Platform is made up of six chapters;
Maximising Tasmania’s Resources