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“I’ll never forget who I’m working for... never!”

My door is always open when I’m at the office, and my eyes and ears are always open to the people I work for. Call me, email me, message me on Facebook or Instagram.

I always welcome your issues, ideas and feedback.

It’s hard to work for people if you don’t know what they want and what they’re dealing with…

and great ideas can come from anywhere and anyone. Great ideas are ALWAYS welcome.

There are few things more important to me than hearing from the people I work for.

Thanks for contacting me. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Jen


Cove Hill Shopping Centre

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Ph: (03) 6212 2150


Box 51 Bridgewater  TAS  7030



7A Wellington Street (Hill Street Grocer Centre)

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Ph: (03) 6324 2070


Box 59 Longford TAS 7301



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Social Logos
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