Labor Policies
The Australian Labor Party Tasmanian Branch State Platform is a constantly evolving statement of principles and policies, underpinned by enduring
Labor values.
Tasmanian Labor Platform is made up of six chapters;
Maximising Tasmania’s Resources
Disability ï‚·
Ageing ï‚·
Youth Justice ï‚·
Housing ï‚·
1. Labor believes a fundamental foundation for security, opportunity and equality for society is a quality public health system.
2. Labor believes there is a need to implement a long term strategy aimed at easing the burden on our hospitals and other health services and to improve the long-term health of all Tasmanians.
3. Labor believes reinvesting into frontline early intervention and preventative health services to create a healthy Tasmania.
4. Labor believes in equal access for all Tasmanians to high quality and affordable health care.
5. Labor recognises an integrated health system with effective coordination between prevention, health promotion, primary, community and acute services results in the best outcomes for people.
6. Labor will embrace technology and e-health solutions.
7. Labor recognises the need for ongoing evaluation of existing health services through comprehensive quality assurance and quality management programs to ensure our health services are integrated between all levels.
8. Labor recognises that health inflation is rising beyond general inflation and there is a need to reform the health system to achieve better health outcomes and meet budget pressures.
9. Labor recognises the valuable role of workers in the health system that care for Tasmanians.
10. Labor recognises that the best approach for dealing with drug addiction and abuse is based on harm minimisation, including:
(a) Genuine diversionary programs for drug offenders
(b) Better support and treatment for people seeking help for drug dependency and related problems.
(c) Well-funded, accessible residential rehabilitation programs in all parts of the state.
(d) Public access to drug testing facilities.
(e) Effective public education programs regarding dangers of illicit drug abuse and dependency.
(f) A harm minimisation focused decriminalisation of small volume use and possession of illicit drugs.
(g) Labor believes in combating drug addiction and abuse through harm minimisation. The current legislative approach to the questions of drug dependency and abuse is ineffective, inappropriate and unfair.
11. Labor will ensure all Tasmanians have access to health care either through the provision of local services where the required service can be provided safely and sustainably or through the provision of appropriate patient transport and accommodation support.
(a) Labor will encourage research programs designed to improve health outcomes, particularly focusing on preventative health measures.
(b) Labor recognises that the health workforce has the ideas and drive needed to fix the health system.
(c) Labor will consult with health service providers, unions, workforce, consumers and local communities in the development and implementation of health policy.
(d) Labor will provide ongoing training opportunities for the health workforce to make sure workers can provide excellent services into the future.
(e) A Labor Government will work in partnership with the workforce to ensure that a statewide health system can operate with the full confidence of those who are engaged in it on a daily basis.
(f) Labor will work with the health workforce, clinicians, unions, University of Tasmania, patients and the community to increase the capacity of our hospitals to meet current and future demand.
12. Labor believes in adopting a compassionate approach towards assisting unwell people to be able to obtain and use legally prescribed medicinal cannabis.
13. Tasmanian Labor believes that all gender affirming surgeries should be available through the public health system and fully funded by Medicare.
14. Labor recognises the importance of information sharing on preventative measures for stillbirth and seeks support with the task of educating health providers, expectant families and the general public about preventing stillbirth.
15. Labor believes that Tasmanians with life-limiting illness should be empowered to make choices about their care, including palliative care and voluntary assisted dying.
16. Labor believes in the fundamental right of Tasmanian women to access the full range of reproductive health services, including contraception and termination of pregnancy services, through the public health system.
17. Labor recognises that our health system is supported by a large number of volunteers and donors to research institutions.
18. Tasmanian Labor believes there is a need to develop a concussion policy for primary and secondary schools in Tasmania to provide strategies to cultivate an awareness of the seriousness of concussion; outlining ways to identify concussion, how to respond to a suspected concussion, prevention of concussion and the ongoing management of school students suffering from concussion.
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
19. Labor believes access to mental health care and treatment is a fundamental human right.
20. Labor believes everyone has a part to play in mental health wellbeing.
21. Labor recognises that all government agencies have a role to play in mental health.
22. Labor recognises that investment in mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention and action to reduce mental ill health is associated with better physical health and quality of life; improved life expectancy; healthier lifestyles and improved social functioning.
23. Labor recognises the importance of long term State Government funding of Tasmania’s mental health programs and services.
24. Labor will work with all levels of government, the community sector and Primary Health Tasmania (PHT) to achieve national mental health reform and to develop local solutions to local problems.
25. The emergency department of a hospital is the worst place to be when seeking treatment for mental ill health, and Labor believes that policies should focus on keeping people out of hospital as much as possible.
26. Labor believes in the provision of compassionate, dignified and culturally appropriate mental health care.
27. Labor recognises the specific cultural, social and emotional needs of Tasmania’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
28. Labor will work with Tasmania Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to develop a sustainable approach to building social and emotional wellbeing.
29. Labor believes taking action to address social and health inequalities will result in improved mental health outcomes.
30. Labor recognises the importance of the first 1,000 days of life in shaping long term mental health outcomes.
31. Labor will promote collaborative care across the lifespan with an immediate focus on increased support for perinatal and infant mental health care.
32. Labor recognises the growing evidence base in mental health and suicide prevention and the need for the government and non-government mental health sector to be ready to innovate and respond to this emerging evidence.
33. Labor recognises that our emergency services employees may suffer mental distress and PTSD from repeated exposure in their jobs.
34. Labor supports the mental health recommendations of the Senate inquiry into the Mental Health of First Responders 2018.
35. Labor recognises the devastating impact of stigma and discrimination on people with mental ill-health including preventing help-seeking.
36. Labor recognises the vital role of service users, families and carers in shaping the mental health care system and in supporting mental health recovery.
37. Labor recognises that our mental ill-health workers and carers play a critical role in assisting with delivering successful outcomes to those suffering with mental ill-health. Labor acknowledges that those working closely with people with mental ill-health can sometimes have their own mental health impacted and recognises a need to ensure that service providers, families and carers may also need assistance from time to time to ensure they remain healthy.
38. Labor recognises the importance of the lived experience and peer support in informing mental health policy and care.
39. Labor recognises the impact of trauma and intergenerational poverty on long term mental health and wellbeing.
40. Labor recognises the impact of the NDIS to help achieve better outcomes for Tasmanians with severe, complex and persistent mental ill health by helping them get timely support and access to appropriate services
41. Labor recognises the importance of increased literacy in mental health and ill-health and suicide prevention.
42. Labor will prioritise the social and emotional wellbeing of Tasmania’s young people.
43. Labor will invest in mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention.
44. Labor will ensure that Tasmania’s mental health services will provide trauma-informed care.
45. Labor will invest in research and evaluation.
46. Labor understands that in addition to acute beds, there is a need for best practice and community based mental health services and accommodation in communities to provide best practice mental health treatment and rehabilitation.
47. Labor is committed to the Rethink Mental Health Strategy.
48. Labor is committed to better supporting carers of people living with mental ill health.
49. Labor will work with stakeholders (services and educators) to develop guidelines to ensure that programs in schools are being delivered safely and in accordance with best clinical practice.
50. Labor recognises the importance of dedicated child and adolescent mental health treatment, and acknowledges that Tasmania does not currently have dedicated mental health residential treatment facility for young people.
Preventative Health
51. Labor believes in the importance of effective early intervention and prevention and health promotion activities to keep people well in their community
52. Labor recognises that the social determinants of health have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of an individual and a community.
53. Labor recognises there is a need to engage with stakeholders to assist in addressing health problems, including alcohol and drug problems in youth.
54. Labor will support health promotion and preventative health measures in schools, the workforce and community, which are aimed at preventing ill health, reducing injury and promoting good health and wellbeing outcomes.
55. Labor will support public health campaigns in the key lifestyle areas that influence health and wellbeing outcomes; such as smoking, nutrition, alcohol, and physical activity.
56. Labor understands that to reduce smoking rates there needs to be a sustained effort to fund anti-tobacco campaigns.
57. Labor supports action to:
(a) Labor supports restrictions on sale and supply of tobacco products, with penalties for non-compliance, and well-resourced enforcement.
(b) strongly advocate nationally to regulate the content and engineering of tobacco products - including filters and additives.
(c) sheet home blame to the tobacco industry which has engineered cigarettes filters over many decades. These have led to increased cancers. Many Australians have died after being misled about the toxicity of so-called light cigarettes.
(d) develop a comprehensive community awareness campaign that cigarettes with filters are unsafe for humans and when discarded, are dangerous to the environment.
58. Labor will lift vaccination and immunisation rates in Tasmania.
59. Labor believes that protection of children from disease; and protection for staff that care for children is a priority.
60. Labor believes that the health and wellbeing of children and families is of the utmost importance and encourages the distribution of information on a wide range of preventative health topics.
61. Labor believes there is a need to investigate and implement a strategy to help with addressing childhood obesity.
Social Determinants of Health
62. Labor recognises individualising health outcomes fails to address the real causes of health inequity and further reinforces poverty and inequality.
63. Labor recognises individualising health outcomes removes government’s responsibility to address the real causes of health inequality.
64. Labor recognises poverty and inequality disempowers people and deprives people of control over our lives. This has a direct impact on health.
65. Labor will take a systemic approach and develop policy that focuses on common risk factors and determinants, not individual diseases.
66. Labor will use evidence based action and continue to fund research in this area.
67. Labor will work to improve and address inequities in health outcomes.
68. Labor will participate in a national agenda to build commitment and innovation with local action.
69. Labor will engage in a whole of life approach to policy development, ensuring early intervention and implementation of health prevention opportunities.
70. Labor will support complementary actions by all stakeholders to address the social determinants of health.
71. Labor will engage in responsible partnerships and avoid ceding policy influence to vested interests.
72. Tasmania Labor recognises the harm caused by problem gambling, specifically poker machines.
73. Labor believes every Tasmanian has a right to an ambulance when they need one.
74. Labor believes Tasmanians have a right to know that care will be provided within a reasonable time and by highly skilled health workers.
75. Labor believes the health system should be accessible to people regardless of their age, location or background.
76. Labor believes that attacking the causes of ill health can also relieve pressure on the system
77. Labor believes all workers have a right to adequate workplace facilities and workplace rights need to be protected
78. Labor recognises that a strong and reliable health system is essential.
79. Labor recognises record workload demands are placing increasing pressure on paramedics. High levels of physical and psychological work-related injuries, stress and absences and lack of qualified staff have led to unacceptable levels of vacant shifts.
80. Labor recognises the primary focus of the Ambulance service should be emergency response; however, other vital services are also provided and need appropriate resourcing
81. Labor recognises that paramedics may suffer mental distress and PTSD from repeated exposure in their jobs and support the Senate inquiry in 1st responder mental health recommendations.
82. Labor recognises the need to provide ambulance station facilities that are modern and fit for purpose. 83. Labor will ensure that resources are constantly reviewed to ensure they adequately meet the needs of the community.
84. Labor will develop initiatives designed to reduce ambulance response times for life threatening emergencies.
85. Labor recognises the need to invest in Paramedic training to ensure that the workforce is trained to the highest possible levels and provided with appropriate technology to ensure they achieve the best possible outcomes for patients.
86. Labor will implement strategies to reduce hospital waiting times in emergency departments to ensure that hospital ramping of ambulances is minimised.
87. Labor recognises the need to increase resources as required by the evidence to ensure Tasmanians who live outside the cities have access to timely ambulance responses.
88. Labor recognises the need to further expand extended care paramedic services to reduce the burden of hospital presentations.
89. Labor recognises the need to invest in patient transport services to ensure patients can reach vital primary health services to reduce additional hospital presentations.
90. Labor recognises the need to invest in capital works programs to refurbish replace and establish stations as needed to ensure that workers are provided with adequate facilities to complete training, administration and recover from the pressure of working in front line emergency care settings.
Community Development
91. Labor will create opportunities to bring about a more equitable distribution of social resources,
92. Labor recognises the future success of any economy is dependent upon securing an appropriate mix of social and economic policy and investment.
93. Labor supports effective community education to ensure that those most likely to be in need of assistance are aware of available community services.
94. Labor will ensure co-operation between government departments, communities and consumers/clients/participants.
95. Labor will ensure the impact of significant developments affecting particular communities is assessed using social cost/benefit analysis.
96. Labor believes in the need for ongoing and regular ongoing evaluation of the adequacy and efficiency of government programs.
97. Labor will co-operate closely with the trade union movement in seeking to have employers provide occupational health and wellbeing programs for employees, with the aim of increasing productivity including sound progress toward broad social issues.
98. Labor believes and encourages that participation in sport will give young Tasmanians and their families a chance to engage with positive role models, establish new friendships and become actively involved in their communities
99. Labor believes that community organisations, such as neighbourhood houses, community houses and Men’s shed play a valuable role at grass roots level in our local communities, providing a safe and friendly environment to improve the well-being and health of members.
100. Labor recognises the need to ensure that Tasmanians are able to access affordable nutritious food.
101. Labor recognises the value of people in the community that provide care for friends and family.
102. Labor believes that there is an estimated 5,000 children in informal care in Tasmania; therefore we recognise the importance of the role of kinship and grandparent carers that make huge sacrifices to enable them to care for these vulnerable children.
103. Labor will work with organisations to support all carers’ through appropriate support services.
104. Labor believes that the NDIS should value the role of carers and properly engage with families and friends to ensure they have appropriate opportunities to rest, work ad have independence.
105. Labor will work with community organisations to implement strategies to increase carer inclusiveness, including engaging with and supporting, hidden carers (including kinship carers) in the community – those that don’t recognise themselves as carers.
106. Labor will support opportunities for respite care for carers.
Child Safety
107. Labor believes every child deserves a safe, loving and supportive home in which to grow, learn and achieve their full potential.
108. Labor recognises that the safety of children must be at the centre of all decisions taken in regard to children.
109. Labor believes families need to be supported to ensure they have the skills, resources and tools to keep their children safe and secure.
110. Labor recognises that in some circumstances grandparents are required to take on the role of caring for their grandchildren and believe that those in this situation should be treated equally in terms of access to services and assistance.
111. Labor recognises that child safety is the responsibility of the whole community not just employees of Child Safety Services.
112. Labor believes where the State is required to accept responsibility for the guardianship of a child the State will do all possible to be an exemplar parent.
113. Labor recognises that risks to child safety are often caused by other community issues such as poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, family violence, lack of appropriate housing and unemployment so our children will be safer when we address these issues.
114. Labor recognises that the role of a Child Safety Officer is an important and difficult one that deserves the support and understanding of the whole community.
115. Labor recognises that caring for our vulnerable children is work that requires love and dedication and should never be underpinned by a profit motive.
116.Tasmanian Labor recognises the need to appropriately resource frontline child safety officers so that every child reported at risk can be allocated to a professional child safety officer with the time they need to provide them with the care and support they deserve.
117. Labor recognises the facilities that house our child safety services reflect the priority we place on this work as a community.
118. Labor will link together the services available across agencies to provide a multidisciplinary and comprehensive response to child safety issues.
119. Labor will critically review any privatised or outsourced services in Child Safety to ensure the highest standards are being maintained and to develop options to return this work to the State Service.
120. Labor will develop a detailed workforce plan to ensure we have the skilled workforce required to provide these critical services into the future.
121. Labor recognises the need to provide suitable accommodation of Child Safety Services throughout the State.
122. Labor recognises the need to provide safe environments for children and young people that are free of bullying, harassment and discrimination such as the Safe Schools Program.
123. Labor is committed to supporting Tasmanians living with disabilities.
124. Labor believes people with disability should be treated with respect, dignity and be free from any form of discrimination or exploitation, as per the UN Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
125. Labor believes people living with disabilities should be empowered and supported to achieve quality of life, have self-determination over choices and receive supports when and where they need it.
126. Labor believes people living with disabilities should have the same opportunities for employment as other Tasmanians and that Government has a role in facilitating this.
127. Labor believes people living with disabilities need to be given the same opportunities and access to buildings, services and activities, as other members of the Tasmanian community receive
128. Labor recognises the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plays an important role in securing long term funding for people with disability and should be focussed on providing resources to ensure they are treated with respect, dignity and to maximise their ability to self-determine life choices and ensure they are provided with the support they need in their daily living.
129. Labor believes it is important that all Tasmanians with disabilities have access to appropriate services regardless of whether they are eligible for NDIS.
130. Labor recognises the need for independent and systemic advocacy services to be available to people living with a disability.
131. Labor will ensure that adequate resources are provided for advocacy, scrutinising and accountability of services provided to people with disability to ensure that they are treated with respect, dignity and free from any form of discrimination or exploitation.
132. Labor will continue to work with the NDIS on the non-education component of Early Childhood Intervention Service to ensure the best outcomes for students and families are delivered.
133. Labor recognises the NDIS will only be successful if it is funded adequately to provide people with a disability the resources they need to ensure quality of life.
134. Labor recognises fundamental to the success of the NDIS is for skilled and supported workforce, with appropriate training and a decent living wage
135. Labor will advocate on behalf of Tasmanian disability service providers and their workforce on overarching issues that need to be addressed regarding the implementation of the NDIS, and other workforce development needs
136. Labor recognises the need for disability support services and continuity of care for Tasmanians living with a disability, who are not eligible for the NDIS.
137. Labor recognises people with disability are currently significantly restricted and disadvantaged at being able to gain employment.
138. Labor will support the ongoing implementation of the NDIS as well as a process for dealing with current issues within the scheme.
139. Labor will advocate to ensuring the scheme is adequately funded into the future including future proofing it from budget cuts etc.
140. Labor will support quotas in the Tasmanian Public Sector for people with disability to overcome the disadvantage and restrictions that people with disability currently have in relation to employment opportunities.
141. Labor believes that adequate and accessible transport options should be available to people living with disabilities.
142. Labor recognises concerns and issues regarding the disability support sector and will work with the relevant stakeholders to ensure recommendations from the Royal Commission are implemented.
143.Tasmania has a high proportion of older people living in our community and this provides opportunities, as well as challenges in caring for Tasmanians
144. Labor respects and values the contribution and recognises the lived experience of older Tasmanians in our community
145. Labor believes that older people have the right to make their own choices regarding their life, and to participate in their community.
146. Labor understands the challenges that older Tasmanians face, such as cost of living, health and remaining active
147. Labor believes that a coordinated and multi-faceted approach is required to best support older people in Tasmania where and when they need it
148.Tasmanian Labor will advocate for appropriate dementia support and improved aged care at a national level Labor recognises the need to combat elder abuse.
149. Labor recognises concerns and issues regarding the aged care sector and will work with the relevant stakeholders to ensure recommendations from the Royal Commission are implemented.
150. Labor recognises the valuable contribution made by workers, carers and family to care for older Tasmanians both in residential care and home care across the state. Labor recognises the importance of addressing social isolation and loneliness, to support mental, physical and emotional health amongst older people
151. Labor believes that older people are valued contributors to the workplace
152. Labor understands that age discrimination occurs in Tasmania and will support actions to address this
Youth Justice
153. Labor believes the focus must be on the prevention of offending behaviour and that young people are diverted from the justice system. Labor believes the best outcomes are achieved by the utilisation of a trauma informed organisational model that addresses trauma and supports positive change.
154. Labor believes interventions should be informed by the assessed risk of future offending.
155. Labor recognises exposure to the justice system can increase the likelihood of young people developing patterns of life long offending and can contribute to intergenerational trauma.
156. Labor recognises that the youth justice system holds young people accountable for their behaviour. 157. Labor believes an effective youth justice system protects the rights of victims and works to repair the harm caused by offending.
158. Labor recognises young people who offend come from diverse social and cultural backgrounds and responses need to be sensitive to the young person’s circumstances.
159. Labor recognises the Tasmanian Aboriginal community are over represented in the youth justice system and particularly in detention.
160. Labor will work with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community to develop culturally appropriate youth justice programs and support to improve outcomes.
161. Labor believes youth justice responses and programs should be evidence based.
162. Labor believes effective youth justice systems are coordinated across government to ensure young people receive support to prevent future offending.
163. Labor believes services provided to young people in the justice system should be appropriate to their developmental needs.
164. Labor recognises poor health outcomes can increase risk of offending and re-offending. It is of great importance young people in the justice system receive appropriate mental health and health support.
Veterans’ Affairs
165. Labor believes in the robust provision of entitlements, services and support to our veterans and their families as a sincere gesture of recognition for the service and sacrifice they have provided our nation.
166. Labor believes there is no more important duty of a government than to keep its people safe, and with that comes the responsibility to care for and support those we task with ensuring that safety.
167. Labor recognises that support and job opportunities for veterans are vital as is the provision of support for those transitioning from service
168. Labor recognises the support that the RSL provides to veterans and their families.
169. Labor will provide support for governance training and support for local RSL subbranches.
170. Labor will investigate the establishment of accommodation near hospitals for veterans and their families who have to travel for medical treatment
171. Labor will work with the RSL to establish pathways to employment for veterans, including skills matching.
172. Labor believes safe, affordable, appropriate and secure housing is the right of all Tasmanians and is key to health and wellbeing, employment opportunities and access to education and health services.
173. Labor believes investment in affordable housing options requires ongoing commitment from all levels of government.
174. Labor believes that Tasmanians expect their government to look at all reasonable measures to improve housing affordability.
175. Labor believes that addressing the housing crisis is not just about building new houses, it is critical to provide supporting services and to plan appropriately for what we want our communities to look like in the future.
176. Labor recognises that the historical debt to the Commonwealth significantly hampers new investment into building additional public housing stock.
177. Labor recognises that there is an urgent need to relieve the State Government and/or Housing Tasmania from the historical debt in order to assist with increasing Tasmania’s ability to build new public housing stock and assist with providing supported accommodation and homelessness services.
178. Labor believes there is a need to invest in multifaceted affordable housing, not only by government but within the private sector as well.
179. Labor recognises there is a need for increased investment in accessible housing to support people living with disability.
180. Labor recognises the need to improve energy efficiency and maintenance of public housing.
181. Labor recognises the urgent need to increase crisis and transitional accommodation state-wide.
182. Labor believes there are groups within the community who have special housing needs. They include women, indigenous people, migrants and refugees, young people, older people, people living with disability, people experiencing family violence and people in crisis.
183. Labor recognises adequate housing is more than shelter. It features secure tenure, access to services, affordability, accessibility, location and cultural sensitivities.
184. Labor believes that safe and secure housing is a measure proven to improve health, education, community and family outcomes, reduced crime and mental health.
185. Labor recognises new public houses must be located close to public transport, services and employment opportunities.
186. Labor recognises concentration of disadvantage leads to poorer health, education and employment outcomes.
187. Labor recognises a strong social housing sector is essential for addressing market failure in the provision of safe, affordable and secure housing.
188. Labor recognises that when public housing programs are unable to meet the needs of indigenous groups and the broader community it is necessary for government to develop relevant programs.
189. Labor recognises Government stewardship in the provision of safe, affordable and secure housing concerns five key areas. Public and community housing, private housing affordability, residential and tenancy issues and innovative housing programs.
190. Labor will encourage innovative land usage and investigate the feasibility of medium density housing and inclusionary zoning.
191. Labor will continue to expand Tasmania’s social housing assets by working with Federal, State or other initiatives.
192. Labor will support the expansion of co-operatives; encourage participation models, and the formation of tenant groups.
193. Labor will promote and expand not-for-profit, community based housing organisations.
194. Labor will ensure that crisis and transitional housing accommodation is available in locations where it is needed.
195. Labor believes that it is critical that government give young people at risk or in out of home care the support they need to succeed. Labor is committed to giving vulnerable young people a safe place to live. 196. Labor recognises that for many young people in the out of home care system, moving from foster or kinship care to independent living can be extremely challenging, especially with the current housing affordability crisis in Tasmania.
197. Labor recognises that people exiting correctional services are at higher risk of homelessness.
Assistance Animals
198. Labor understands the importance of assistance animals in providing support to people living with disabilities
199. Labor recognises the legal right of assistance animals to enter public buildings, transport and businesses
200. Labor supports the need for a nationally consistent training, registration and accreditation scheme to be implemented for Tasmanian assistance animals, their owners and services.
Family Violence
201. Labor believes all persons have a right to safety and dignity in their home, workplace, community and health environments.
202. Labor stand firmly against all forms of family violence, Labor recognises the drivers of family and intimate partner violence and seeks reform to address this across all policy settings.
203. Labor will continue to work with stakeholders, at all levels, to inform policy and action frameworks that seek to be victim/ survivor focused and based on evidence and early intervention.
204.Labor will work to address barriers to safe access of support services, and holds the ideal that front line services should predominantly be provided by resource secure government agencies.
205.Labor understands that family violence rarely occurs in isolation and that to address all factors concurrently, is essential to change behaviours.