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Even more valuable than your vote...
No matter what you choose to do. I'll be forever grateful.
Here's your chance to have a say just by adding your name to petitions that will let those in power know that some things need to change and that you're watching what they do... and how much they care about the people they are supposed to be working for.
I'll never forget who I'm working for. I'm working for you!
I have a huge variety of jobs, from delivering pamphlets and potting up posters,
to admin jobs in one of my offices or helping out at a community barbecue.
Everyone is welcome no matter what your skill.
You'll be warmly welcomed by the team. It will actually be fun.

Thanks for Volunteering!
There's a lot that needs doing... and I simply couldn't do it all
without people like you helping out. It means a lot to me.

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