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Sometimes you have to rock the boat...

Make some noise

Click a petition to add your voice.

Tasmania - Save Greenpoint Medical Services

Tasmania - Stop Metro Cuts, Save Our Public Transport



To start a new petition click here to send Jen an email.

Nothing changes when the people stay silent.

Here's your chance to have a say just by adding your name to petitions that will let those in power know that some things need to change and that you're watching what they do... and how much they care about the people they are supposed to be working for.


I'll never forget who I'm working for. I'm working for you!

Sign Labor's Petition to
Save Greenpoint Medical Services



The petition of the undersigned Citizens of Tasmania draws to the attention of the House:

  1. That the State Government has a responsibility to ensure Tasmanians have access to healthcare.

  2. The closure of Greenpoint Medical Services will make it so much harder for people to access healthcare.

  3. Over 8,000 Tasmanians from Bridgewater and surrounds will be forced to find another GP.

  4. The closure will result in more pressure on other healthcare services.

  5. Overwhelming community concern that the State Government is not doing enough to save healthcare services.

Your petitioners request the House to call upon the Government to immediately make sure local GPs are available to treat patients in the Bridgewater, Herdsmans Cove and Gagebrook and the surrounding communities.

Thanks for Signing

Authorised by S. Benson,

Australian Labor Party (Tasmanian Branch), Hobart

Save Greenpoint
Stop the Metro

Sign the Legislative Council's Petition
Stop the Metro Tasmania cuts and save our Public Transport

To the Honourable President and Members of the Legislative Council, in parliament          assembled.


The petition of the undersigned Citizens of Tasmania


That your petitioners draws to the attention of the Legislative Council:


1) The recent service cuts to Metro Tasmania in southern Tasmania and the impact on Tasmanians trying to get to work, school or participate in the community.


2) The ongoing recruitment and retention issues impacting Metro Tasmania’s workforce and the lack of consideration by the Government in regards to the pay and conditions of drivers to improve the situation.


3) Ongoing safety issues for Metro Tasmania passengers and drivers and the lack progress on the rollout of Transit Officers with powers to curb antisocial behaviour and the installation of security screens.


And your Petitioners request that the Legislative Council calls on the government to reverse the service cuts and address the issues raised in the petition as a matter of urgency.

Josh Willie MLC, Member for Elwick

1/16 Albert Road   MOONAH   TAS   7009

Thanks for Signing!


7A Wellington Street - Hill Street Centre

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
(03) 6324 2070


Box 59 Longford  TAS  7301



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Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Ph: (03) 6212 2150


Box 51 Bridgewater  TAS  7030


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